Fep Political program

PoliticalIdeology 8
BasicRights 9
StateStructure 9
FormoftheGovernment 10
Constitution 10
PartsoftheGovernment 11
Defence,Police,andNationalSecurity 11
OverallEconomicGoalsandprinciples 13
AgricultureandRuralDevelopment 15
Pastoralistdevelopment 18
LandTenure 19
Infrastructure 20
Trade andInvestment 22
Tourism 23
Manufacturing 24
Macroeconomy 25
Education 28
Health 31
Cityandhousingdevelopment 33
Theyouth 35
Womenandchildren 36
Religion 39
Sports 40
EnvironmentalProtection 41
Principlesofforeignrelations 43
Relationswithneighbouringcountries 44
RelationswithAfricanUnion(AU)andmembercountries 45
Relationswithothercountriesandinternationalorganizations 45



Theindustrialrevolution,thatwasstaredinthe18thcenturyhasimmenselycontributedforthe betterment of the living standards of many people around the world, by spreading to many countries and accelerating its pace and widening its scope. The industrial revolution, which was ignited by advancement in science and technology, has impacted humans both positively andnegatively.Therevolutioninonehandminimizedthephysicaldistancebetweencountries, communities, organizations, and individuals, promoted world trade, improved world health status,increased per capita income, increase access to basic education, discourage harmful cultural practices, improve the status and overall participation of women.

On the other the industrial revolution has created many complications in worldeconomic, social, economic and peace and stability. These incudes, but not limited to, ever widening wealth and income disparity between countries and citizens, environmental degradation, distractive conflicts and wars, political instability, self-centric culture, population explosion andincreasedmigrationincludingIDPs,fuelednationalism, loosenedfamilyand socialbonds andrelations,maximizedunemploymentandpromotedcrime,usheredaneraofworstfinancial and economic crisis. Abject poverty has become a challenge to many African, Asian, Laten AmericancountriesandalsosomeofEuropeanandAmericancountries. Morethanhalfofthe global wealth is controlled by people that constitute less than one present of the total world population. In many developing countries including Ethiopia more than 90% of the national wealth is owned by people that constitute less than one present of the population.

Some of the social, economic and political challenges that Ethiopia is facing today are partly the result of the globalization process of the 21st century which is engulfing the world. And, one the other hand, some of the challenges are the result of the local dynamics and emanate from the countries social and political history, thinking and relations.

Freedom and Equality Party (FEP) strongly believes that the root causes of the challenges that our people and our country facing are essentially political and the solutions are fundamentally political as well. Lack of good governance, exclusivist political system, social injustice,discrimination,partisanship,administrativecultures,andproceduresbasedonethnic and religious judgement etc. remained the main features of the Ethiopian political system. Ethnic and religious nationalism has divided our people and risked our national unity. Our perspectivesandunderstandingofourhistoryareterriblydifferentandthemisunderstanding

over historical issues is getting worse. Unconstructive disputes over historical issues diverted our attention from fighting basic problems of majority of our people which includes poverty, unemployment, huger, migration etc. Such disputesoverhistoricalissues divided our community and critically consumed our energy.

Lackoffreeandindependentjusticesystem, unemploymentandpoverty, weakinfrastructure, socialcrisis,erosionofpatriotismandsuspicionamongcitizensaresomeofthecoreproblems of our country. Safe drinking water,housing,educationandhealthservices, adequate transportation and communication, fast and efficient public administration still remained the dreams and aspirations of our people. Coverage of education, health and other services is low indifferentpartsofthecountryandunfairdistributionisontherise. Atatimewhentheworld is in the 4thgeneration of industrial development, our economy is at the level of low-income agriculture dependent on rain and poor manufacturing industry.

Some parts of the country are endowed with better natural resources while others are less endowed. Those areas that have better natural resources have higher chance for economic development and couldalsohelp thoseregions of the nationthatare lessresources. However, in Ethiopia all parts of the country are sufferingfromviciouscircleofpovertyand backwardness. Thecentralpartofthecountryischaracterizedbyhighpopulationdensity, low percapitaincome,lowagriculturalland,lowproductivity.Ontheotherhand,thelowlandsand heartlands of the country have low population density, large and fertile land suitable for mechanized agriculture and rivers suitable for irrigation.

Duetoourfailuretoestablishademocraticsystemanddemocraticallyelectedgovernment,we are not able to properly utilize our richnatural resources found in every corner of thecountry for thebenefit of all our people. Andhence unableto feed our peopleand becomethe symbol ofpovertyanddestitute.Pastoralistsandsemi-pastoralists,whomakeupmorethan60percent of the country's land area, live indrought, famine,and conflict withoutproper policy support.

Althoughthepeopleof our countryhave achievedremarkablevictories through their wide spread and long political struggles, the basic social, economic and political problems of our country have not been solved today. The problems are further exacerbated by the erroneous political philosophiesandpoliciesofdictatorialregimes that hold sway over power. Particularlyinthelastquarterofacentury,thecorruptpoliticalsysteminourcountryhas

contributed tothespread of conflictandinstability amongthe people, as well as thespread of racial and ethnic discrimination. As a result, whilevery few members of the regime and their allies have amassed greatest wealth and resources not seen in the history of our country, the vast majority of our people are living in abject poverty, and many of our people have chosen to emigrate. As a result, almost half of Ethiopians live below the poverty line. Citizens who standagainstthe regimeinademocraticandpeacefulmannerhavebeenarrestedandkilledin horrific and inhumane treatment.

Ourcountry,whichhasimmenseopportunitiesandopportunitiestoensuresocialandeconomic development, has not been able to achieve fundamental changes and development from generationtogeneration.Ethiopiaisrichinnaturalresources,suitableforagricultureandfertile lands, irrigated rivers and streams, and beautiful landscapes. Ethiopia is home to some of the world's most endearing wildlife. It is endowed with mountains and forests as well as ancient heritageswithhugepotentialfortourism.MorethanhalfofEthiopia'spopulationisyoungthat can make a significant contribution to the overall development of the country, if they are provided with quality education and training,

While the overall situation of the country, in a bird's eye view, looks like this, many African countries and the world are undergoing rapid and comprehensive economic, social, political, and strategic changes and transformation. The process of change, driven by the advancement of information and communication technology, has dramatically changed the relationship between nations, communities, and individuals. The ever-expanding globalization has fuelled thegrowthofinternationaltradeandservices.UndertheauspicesoftheAfricanUnion,efforts areunderwaytocreateafreetradeareainAfricaandcompleteeconomic,politicalandcultural integration.TheAfricanContinentalFreeTradeArea (AfCFTA) is just of the continental projects in this respect.
Thestructureofgovernment,theroleofpoliticalparties,civicassociationsandthemedia,and the understanding and application of human and democratic rights are some of the major changes in the political landscape. Some countries in Africahaveseen better political environment and participation, while in other countries the political environment has been shrinking, fundamental rights and freedoms are being eroded, and human and political rights are being undermined. The situation in our country Ethiopia is no different.

The Freedom and Equality Party (FEP) is a political organization established to contribute infindingpalatablesolutionstosolveEthiopia'scomplexproblems.Wearemotivatedtoserve our country with aheart filledwith loveand compassion to our country and itspeople. FEP’s engagement will be grounded on research-based programs and policies to realize Ethiopia's sustainable growth and prosperity. FEP strives to uphold human and democratic rights, the principlesofgoodgovernance,theruleoflawandestablishapoliticalcultureinwhichpolitical power comesonly fromthepeople. FEP also exertseffort to ensurecitizens’right tofreedom of expression and media and civil society to have role in nation building.
FreedomandEqualityPartyalsostrivestoensurelastingpeaceandsustainabledevelopment, and safeguard equitable distributionofwealth between different parts of the country. FEP workstowardstheeradicationofcorruptionwhichisacancer stiflingtheeconomicandsocial developmentof our countryandour people. Respectthelanguageandcultureof nationalities, guarantee freedom of religion and worship, and end sexual discrimination are among the top prioritiesof theparty. FEP worksdiligently for womento haveequal accessto education and other social services and to be actively involved in the nation building process.
TheFreedomandEqualityParty hasdesigneditsprogramsandpoliciestakingintoaccount thepoliticalrealitiesandevaluatingthegeo-politicalandstrategicopportunitiesandthreatsof our country and deeply scrutinizing Africanandglobalpoliticaleconomyandsecurity dynamics.
In order to solve the complex and long-term political problems and challenges of our people Freedomand Equality Party strivestwo balance and harmonize two contesting policy dilemmas in the Ethiopian politics. On the one hand, it works to build a strong political and economic community that respects the unity of the state. On the other hand, FEP endeavors for thefullrecognitionandrespectof ethnic,linguistic, religious, culturalandother identities. To achieve these goals, the Freedom and Equality Party will pursue a balanced policy and strategy.
Freedomand Equality Party will struggletoensureunityratherthandisintegration, togethernessinsteadof isolation, mutualloverather thanhate, peacerather thanconflict, trust rather than doubt. FEP will work for sustainable economic development, lasting peace and stability,andtruebrotherhoodamongdiversesectionsofthesociety.Itstrivesforfullandreal recognitionofallEthiopianculture,language,traditions,religionsandcustoms in equal footing.

Freedom and Equality Party was established by its founding congress held on March 24, 2018,atCapitalHotelinAddisAbaba,byitsfoundingmembersfromallregionsofthecountry to realize the growth and prosperity of our country by implementing the political, economic, social and foreign relations programs included in this program through peaceful political struggle and free elections.
Vision,Mission,Objectivesandstrategies Vision
FEP aspires to see a prosperous and democratic country where sustainable peace and sustainable economic development are guaranteed, and citizens have equal opportunity to participate in national affairs and enjoy from the fruits of the national wealth without any discrimination based on race, language, culture, religion, political opinion, etc.
Build a democratic system where good governance and the rule of law are guaranteed, where political power is derived from the people and the people only, and where citizens take advantage of social and economic opportunities fairly.
Thefollowingare themajorobjectivesofFreedomandEqualityParty
Toreduceanderadicatepovertybybuildinganinclusiveandsustainableeconomy, andto establish social, economic and political justice;
Topromotegoodgovernance,transparencyandaccountabilityintheadministrationand structures of the country.
Respectfor humananddemocraticrights,upholdtheruleoflawandbuildan independent justice system.
To build a true federal system to equalize the language and culture of nations and nationalitiesequally, toensurethedevelopmentofallregionsofourcountryinafair way.
Protect, nurtureandenrichtheenvironment, createacomfortableworkandliving environment;
Encourageand expandrural industry,modernizetheagriculturalsector;
Ensurethatcitizenshaveaccesstobasicservicesinaquality, comprehensiveand affordable manner.

Utilizewomen andyouthtobeactive participantsin nationaldevelopment.
Toprotecttherightsandinterestsofchildren, theelderly, peoplewithdisabilitiesand special needs;
Encourageandsupporteconomic, politicalandculturaltiesintheHornofAfrica,and contribute to lasting peace and stability in the region.
EnhancingEthiopia'sroleintheAfricanandinternationalforums.ImprovingEthiopia's external image.

Engagementnotconfrontation:Freedomand Equality Party pursues a political strugglebasedonmutualunderstandingandfarfromconflict,conspiracyandinterference. FEP has anopen-door policytoworkwithanylegally registeredEthiopian politicalforce ororganizationwithutmostresponsibilityandrespectforpoliticaldiversity.FEPworksin cooperation with any political organizations on issues that benefit our country and our people irrespective of their ideological orientation or political program

Moderation and rationality: The basic profile of the Freedom and Equality Party is Moderation andrationality. FreedomandEquality Party'spolitical ideology,policyand programs, as well as political positions, are based on the principle of moderation and rationality. FEP believes that polarization, political extremism, irrational partisanship is the main reason for the political and socio-economic chaos that our country has reached today. Far from this kind of distorted political position, FEP follows the "Golden Mean" in thought and practice. Moderation, balance and rationality are the guiding principles of FEP’s political positions, messages, policies and programs.

Inclusivity: Considering the ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural diversity of our people,wefollowabalancedandinclusiveapproachinourpolicies,programsandpolitical positions, etc. We strive to make our party include all the people of our country in a fair mannerbyavoidingactionsthatmayharmtherightsandfeelingsofindividualsorgroups.

Naturalchange-EvolutionnotRevolution:FEPunderstandsthatthepolitical,socialand economic problems in our country have been accumulating and piling up for at least the pastseveraldecadesandwillnotbesolvedovernight.Therefore,inordertorealizethe

socio-economic and political changes that we aspire,we will pursue evolutionary and gradualprocesswhichstrictlyconsidersthepoliticalconsciousnessofthesocietyandother socio-economic factors. FEP believes in evolutionary process than revolution.

Win-win strategy:Freedomand Equality Party understandsthatrealsuccess is the success that we score as a nation and not as an organization. Therefore, in our political activities, we prioritize the victory and success of our country and people rather than organizational triumphandsuccess. In thesame way, theeffectiveness and success of our partywillnotbebasedonthefailureofotherpoliticalparties,butongrowingtogetherand a true sense of partnership.

Serving the people: The biggest and ultimate goal of a political movement and political poweristoservethecountryanditspeople.Partyandgovernmentofficials,administrators andbureaucratswhoareassignedtoadministertheaffairsofthepeoplearepaidfromtaxes collected from the poor people's "hand to mouth" income. Therefore, our party members holding offices at any level of government have an obligation to work as public servants.

Honestyand integrity:Ethiopians valuegoodmanners and morality. Our people give utmost respect to honesty, sincerity and honesty in social and administrativematters. Therefore, both the rank-and-file members and leaders of our party serve our country and people with sincerity, honesty and love.

Partnership and collaboration: Freedomand Equality Party stronglybelieves in partnership and collaboration. Hence it is keen to work in collaboration with political parties in Ethiopia. The aim of FEP’s partnership strategy is to create political synergy needed to build a strongmultipartyanddemocraticsystem, realize healthy political competition,tobuildthecapacityofpoliticalpartiesandtobetterachievetheparty'svision and objectives. Building coalitions and partnerships with political parties and other stakeholderswillbebasedontheparty'sconstitutionandotherrelevantlawsofthecountry.

It isbelievedthat sincethe endof the ColdWar,liberalism has becomeincreasingly accepted in many countries of the world.Liberalthinkingis a system that mainly focuses on the economicandpoliticalfreedomofcitizens,limitingthesizeandinterventionofthegovernment andgivingcitizenstheopportunitytoworkindividuallyandcollectivelytotheirfullpotential. This thinking is believed to help stop corrupt government practices, bureaucratic abuse, unnecessary government intervention, eliminate corruption, increase productivity, and better protect the human and democratic rights of citizens. The fact that liberal thinking is a broad concept, flexibly applied based on the level of economic, social, cultural and technological development of countries increased its acceptance in wide spectrum of countries. Its adjustability according to the actual situation of the countries.
Accordingly, the Freedomand Equality Party follows a liberal mindset to successfully realizeitsvisionandachieveitsgoals.However,theliberalthinkingfollowedbytheFreedom and Equality Party is called "moderate liberalism", which is in line with the overall development of our country, and takes into account the actual political, social and economic realities of our country. It is believed that the "moderate liberal" ideology creates a favorable political environment for protecting national values by harmonizing liberal ideas with our country's history, culture, psychology and social customs.

"Moderate liberal" thinking recognizes social values and morals and is expected to create a favorable environment for advanced economic and social development by respecting the humananddemocraticrightsofcitizens.Inadditiontoitsprimarilymoderateliberalideology, FEP may implement policies based on other ideologies, including social democrats, when necessary.

Theideological frameworkthat Freedom and EqualityParty pursued is believed to give the party wider broad policy options and free itself from the cluches of confinement in single ideology. FEP belives that a pragmatic ideological framework offers the party pursue alternativepolicyoptions,thatarecompatiblewithliberalthinking,initsendavortoinsurethe country's overall development and prosperity. This approach is against the political and ideological historyandcultureprevalentinourcountry,whichis a blind and dogmatic adherence to a single ideology.

Basic Rights
Freedom and EqualityParty believes that all people are equal before the law. Based on this basic belief, citizens enjoy equal legal guarantees and protection without any discrimination. The basic rights that citizens have simply because they are human beings are respected and the human and democratic rights of citizens are guaranteed.
Theright ofEthiopiansto move, live, workandgeneratewealth in theareatheywant will be fully respected, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, language, environment, political views, etc.
LawsandproceduresthatmakeallEthiopiansfeelthattheyhaveequalownershipoftheir country will be implemented. Their human and democratic rights are respected and they are not directly or indirectly discriminated against.
Citizens'righttoorganizethemselves,toexpresstheiropinions, towrite,andtoprotest will be respected.
Citizenswillhavelegalprotectionfortheirphysicalandpsychologicalwell-being. Their life and property shall be protected except by a court decision due to participation in a serious criminal act prescribed by law. Citizens will be protected from inhumane and degrading treatment and punishment so that they will never be detained without being charged and convicted.
Therewillbenosystemthatforcescitizenstodoanyworkor fulfilltheirobligationsby force.
International humanand democraticrightsaccepted by Ethiopia willberespected.

Ethiopia is home to many nations/ethnicities, people with different languages, cultures, traditions and customs, religions and social values. In addition, it is a country with social and economic diversity which emanated from different biodiversity, landscapes, climates and lifestyles. A government structure to be developed in Ethiopia should take into account the natural differences and diversity of our country and people; It should be able to deal with differences in unity and should help create unity based on consent, respect and tolerance.

Freedom andEqualityParty believesthatthebestgovernmentstructuretoachievethisgoal is a federal system. A true federal government structure creates a convenient administrative system for all the peopleof our country to live inharmony and respect. TheEthiopianfederal system will consider multiple factors which includes administrativeconvenience,public demands, language and culture, landscape and other common values.

The system of government followed by our party will be presidential. The president (head of state) is directly elected by the people and serves for five years. A president can run for two terms.
Aconstitutionisalegalandpoliticaldocumentthatcontainsthebasiclawsandprinciplesthat determine the rights and obligations of citizens as well as the structure and operation of the government. A constitution is a memorandum of understanding among citizens that contains basic principles of political, social, economic and foreign relations and guarantees the peace andprosperityofacountryaswellasthedemocraticunity,freedom,equalityandjusticeofits citizens.
For the constitution to be the law of the country and the state, it should be accepted by most memberofthesociety,clearandunambiguous.Fromthisperspective,lookingattheEthiopian constitution, we realize that the constitution should be amended. FEP believes that the amendment of the Ethiopian constitution should take the following facts and principles in to consideration.
The constitution should be amended in a way that respects the sovereignty and territorial integrityofourcountry, protectsournationalinterestsandallowsourcountrytogetridof poverty and economic stagnation in the shortest possible time.
Articles of theconstitutionthat underminethe peace and security ofourcitizens, promote secession and division, should be amended in a way that strengthensnationalunity, solidarity and brotherhood.
One of the basic features of a constitution is its capacity to serve for a relatively longer period. In this respect, the inclusion of articles in the constitution that necessities regular change, with the level of development of the country, will negatively affect the power of the constitution to cop up with fast changing socio-economic and political progress. This will make the constitution obsolete. Hence, in order to avoid this challenge and make the constitution a living document it is necessary to remove constitutional provisions that necessitates frequent change and/or amendment.
Sinceconstitutionisasharedcommunaldocumentofcitizensofacountry,itshouldreflect the interest of much of the society and political thinking. However, the constitutions that

havebeeninforceinourcountryuntiltodayincorporatethepoliticalideologyandpolitical program of the governments of the time. In the long constitutional historyof Ethiopia, constitutions and party program were two sides of the same coin and hence, constitutions littlereflectthewillandinterestofthecitizens.Theexistingconstitutionisamanifestation of this problem. Therefore, the existing constitution should be amended in a manner that considers the both the wider political spectrum of citizens and also the ideology and program of the political forces in the country.
Articles in the constitution that are ambiguous and open the space for heated political conflicts such as the issue of language, flag, formation and boundaries of regional states etc. should be amended in a clear and reconciliatory manner.
The federal regional governments will have three branches of government namely, the legislators,theexecutiveorganandthejudiciary.Eachofthethreebranchesofthegovernment willhaveclearresponsibilitiesandpowersdeterminedbytheconstitution. Thethreebranches of government work independently and in coordination. There will be a system that prevents overlap of powers and interference one organ over the others.
AmharicandAfaanOromowillbetheworkinglanguagesofthefederalgovernment.Regional governmentsmayuseoneormoreofthelanguageswidelyspokenintheregionastheworking language of the regional government.
Build adefenseforcethat is loyal to thepeopleand thegovernment electedby thepeople, standsguardtothecountry'sconstitution,andprotectsourcountryfromanykindofinternal or external aggression.
The main mission of the National Defense Force will be to protect the country and the people, to protect the borders and sovereignty of the country.
Wewillbuildnationaldefensesystemequippedwithmodernweaponsand commensurate national economy of our country.
The composition of members and leadership of the Defense Forces will be made to include all sections ofthepeopleof Ethiopia. The Ethiopian national defense force will bebuilt in away that enables to have a strong public trust, support and acceptance of all sections of the society.

The members of the National Defense Force are not members of any political party, and their responsibility will be to constitution and a government elected by the people.
Whennecessary,Ethiopia'sdefenseforcecanbedeployedtoenforcepeaceandstabilityof neighboring countries, Africaandtheworld,withintheframeworkofinternational agreements and laws.
The members and leadership of the National Defense Forces will be offered a special compensation package fortheirinvaluable sacrifices and their greatservice tothe country and the people.
MembersoftheNationalDefenseForcesandvariousinstitutionsparticipateinandprovide support for the government's rescue operations during emergencies.
Wewillbuildapoliceforcethatis professional, adornedwithethicalvalues, respectsand upholds the law, is freefromany kindof bias and loyal to the constitutionwill be builtat the federal and state levels.
Inordertomaintaintheneutralityof thepoliceforcemembersof thepoliceforceshall not be members of political parties.
The institutions of the police force at every level will be made to represent all sections of thesociety.Similarly,themainmissionofthepoliceforceswillbetobuildalawenforcing institution that properly fulfills the responsibilities given by the constitution.
Themainpurposeofthenationalsecurityinstitutionistoprotecttheruleof lawandthe peace of the people by identifying threats and forces that may disrupt the peace.
TheNationalSecurityInstitutewillbeorganizedbymembersandleaderswhoarenot members of any political party, and will not reflect the dominance of any political party.

 2Economic Program 

Our country, Ethiopia, isone of thepoorest countries in Africa andthe world, and nearlyhalf ofourpeoplelivebelowthepovertyline.AccordingtoUnitedNationsstatisticaldata,Ethiopia ranks7thinAfricaand71stintheworldintermsofgrossdomesticproduct(GDP).Ontheother hand, Ethiopia is a country with vast and untapped natural resources that allow it to rapidly grow its economy, which is at a low level. Subsoil resources, minerals, favorable climate for agriculture,numerousriversandgroundwater,youngandproductiveworkforcearejustafew. The agricultural sector hasbeen thepillar of our country's economy until today, and it has the largest share in creating employment opportunities and earning foreign currency.

In Ethiopia, the service sector is growing rapidly and its share in the total GDP has exceeded that of the agricultural sector. The role of the service sector in creating jobs for citizens and attracting foreign investors has been constantly increasing. On the other hand, the industrial sector of our country is at a low level and is mostly focused on processing raw materials and agricultural products, textilesand agro industry products. In order to increasethecontribution of thesector totheEthiopianeconomy,itisverymuchimperativetolink withtheagricultural and service sector, as well as to speed up the transfer of technology so that our economy can be transformed into a modern and industrial-led economy.
FFP’s main economic goal is to build a sustainable, green and resilient economy that is competitive in Africa and the world by using the opportunities and comparative advantages that Ethiopia is endowed with. The following are specific economic objectives,
Enabling citizens to have sufficient per capita income so that they can live a stable and happy life with their basic needs met.
Reducingand eliminating extremepoverty;
Enabling a fair distribution of income among citizens and equitable development among regions.
Avoiding economic fluctuations that may have a long-term negative impact on our country's economy, controlling unemployment and inflation and creating favourable conditions for a stable macro-economy.

Building a green economy by coordinating economic development with environmental protection and care.

FreedomandEqualityPartyusesthefollowingstrategiestorealizetheeconomicgoals mentioned above.
By making investment easy and efficient, local and foreign investors can use their investment in an efficient way.
Substitute laws and old work procedures that are hampering economic development and replace them with simple and easy-to-implement laws. Fighting corruption and rent- seeking behaviours is also part of the economic development strategies.

Providing incentives tocitizens and organizationsto engage in productive andinvestment activities that are vital for the economic development of the country.
Introduce an efficient bureaucratic system aided by state-of-the-art technology and get rid of the old fashioned, messy and incompetent governmental system.
Integrate national education and training policies and programs compatible with the economic development programs of our country.
Reduce dependence on foreign loans and aid and generate sufficient resources needed for the development of the country.
Improving the standard of living of citizens by making the economic development rate at least higher thanpopulationgrowthrate, whichisimportant tokeepthe standardof living of citizens from falling.
Preventionoffinancialandeconomiccrisisbystrengtheningthecreditsystemmanagement of the financial sector.
Make economic performance date and information, which is crucial input for economic planning, easily available and accessible.

Creatingstrongeconomicandtradeintegrationwithneighbouringcountriesandother African countries.
Increaseproductionandproductivitybyintegratingagriculture,industryandservice sectors.

Develop the culture of thrift and generate enough wealth needed for national economic development
FEP essentially apply a market-oriented economic and trade policy in order to realize its economic objectives. In order to speed up economic development and ensureequitable distribution,thegovernmentwillhavearoleintheeconomy.However,theroleofgovernment intervention to the economy will be kept to the minimum. Government intervention in the economy will be based on the following principles,
Megaprojects:Thegovernmentbuildshuge/meganationalprojectsaloneorinpartnership withtheprivatesector thatrequirehighconstructioninvestmentandhavelowprofitrates, which are not viable or attractive for private investors. Roads and railways, dams, power generationanddistributionnetworks,transportandcommunicationnetworksareexamples.

Publicmonopoly: thegovernmentcan workas amonopoly (Public Monopoly) or jointly with the private sector in providing services that requires higher economies of scale for efficient production and distribution.
The contribution of the agricultural sector to our country's economy is very high. Agriculture contributesmorethan35 percent ofEthiopia’sGrossDomesticProduct (GDP) and morethan 70 percent of employment opportunities. Agricultural products are the largest export of our countryandserveasthemainsourceofforeignexchange.However,comparedtoitseconomic and social contribution, the agricultural sector is given very little attention.

More than half of the Ethiopian population live in rural areas which has low socio-economic infrastructureandservices.Consideringtheeconomicimportanceoftheagriculturalsectorand theruralpartofourcountry,FreedomandEqualityPartyhasgivenmaximumpolicy

attention and has set the following policy directions in relation to the agricultural sector and rural development.

Transform the Ethiopian agriculturalfromthe tradition and backward system toa modern and mechanised agriculture.
Reducedependenceonrain-feed agricultureand encourageirrigationfarming.
Integrate agriculture with industry and service sector. Develop a backward and forward linkagebetweentheagriculture,manufacturingandservicesector.Developtheagricultural sector to provide sufficient raw materials and absorb the industrial products.
Introduce agradual transformation ofthecurrentagricultural-lead economyintoindustry- leady economy.
Ensure food security; enable the agricultural sector to produce enough food for domestic consumption and export to international market.
In various partsof our country, fertile landsthat have not beenusedfor farming andother agricultural activities until now will be put to use.
Maximizetheproductionandproductivityofagriculturalproductsthatconstitutethelarger portionofforeigncurrencyincluding,butnotlimitedto,coffee,flowers,grains,andleather.
Risetheeconomicgainsoftheagriculturalsectorusingmodernproductionequipmentand agricultural technology.
Increasefarmers’adaptationofagriculturaltechnologybybuildingamoderninputsupply and marketing system.
Reduce post-harvest product losses and implement procedures to increase agricultural production.
Maximize the foreign currency earnings of the agricultural sector by adding value to the agriculturalproductsandrawmaterials.Thisisdonebyimprovingqualityof productsand ensure fair price to Ethiopia’s agricultural products at international markets.
Introduceearlywarningsystemsandimprovedagriculturalresourcestomitigateman-made and natural disasters that reduce agricultural production.
Create enabling environment to Ethiopian farmers supply their agricultural products both for domestic and foreign markets through promotion and provision of support to Agro- Industrial activities.
EstablishamodernAgriculturalInformationManagement System (AIMS)thatallows accuratecollectionofwide-rangingandspecificinformationoftheagriculturalsector.The

system will be used to clearly understand the status of the agricultural sector and develop evidence-based policy.
Introduce a loan system that permit farmers easily get agricultural loans and other agricultural inputs.
Cut down and gradually stop import of basic agricultural food items by producing those items locally.
Create awareness to diversify citizens dietary culture of which is highly dependent on a very narrow menu of grains and pulses, for example Teff. Promote theconsumptionof variety of grains and crops that are easily and abundantly produced in Ethiopia.
Substitute inorganic fertilizers by organic fertilizer and minimize the damage to the environment and humans by develop an integrated agricultural, research and marketing system.
Maximize the quantity and quality of animal stock and production of animal by-products throughtheintroductionofmodernanimalhealthsystem. Similarly, schemes will be designed that help farmers rise the benefits and income they get from animals.
Support andpromotelarge ScaleCommercialfarmsvia differentincentivemechanisms.
Enable and coordinate the agricultural sector to contribute to the macroeconomy through job creation and poverty reduction.

Majority of theEthiopian populationliveinrural areas. Comparedto theurbanarea, therural part of our country is very poor in terms of infrastructure development and service provision, which paved theway for massivemigration fromrural to urban areas. Asaresult of therural- urban migration, severe socio-economic problems have arisen in urban areas. To solve the problem permanently,
Introductionandexpansionofruralindustrializationprogramsthatconsiderclimatic, geographic and ecological factors of the rural areas in different parts of the country.
Providebasic socialand economicservicessuchaseducation,health,electricity,clean drinking water, telecom service in rural areas.
Enablefarmerstoutilizeirrigationbyconstructingsmall,mediumand highdams.
Establishruralagriculturaltrainingcentrestostimulateandenhancetheproductivityofthe rural economy.

Improve the living standard of the rural community by building small and cost-effective houses in rural areas.
Createjobopportunitiesfortheruralcommunitybyexecutingpro-poorprojectsbygovernment and non-government organizations.
Constructroadandotherruralinfrastructureprojectsandprogramsthatincrease productivity; rural roads will be built to connect rural kebeles to each other and to cities.
Morethanhalfofthelandmass of Ethiopia is estimated to be inhabited by pastoral communities.ThroughouthistorytheEthiopianpastoralists,whomostlyliveinthecoastaland lowlandpartsofourcountry,arelefttoliveintheharshestsocial,economicandadministrative conditions without getting enough attention from the government. At least for the past half a century, thecountry'sregimeshavedeniedpolicyattentiontothepastoralistcommunitiesand to the development of the pastoralareas, leaving the communities trapped in the cycle of poverty.ThesuccessivepoliticalsystemsinEthiopiahavegivenmoreattentiontotheresources ofthepastoralistcommunitiesincludingtheiranimals,thevastandfertileagriculturallandand otherundergroundresourcesatandcompletelyforgottentotakecareofthepeople.Thispolicy approachtowardsthepastoralistcommunityseriouslydamagedthesocio-economicconditions of the pastoral community, viz a viz citizens in the other parts of the country.
Although the pastoralist community needs special government support and policy options to saveitfromtheharshconditions,itwasdeniedthelistattentionbythecounty’spolitical elite, which are mainly dominated byhighlanders. Inorder toprotect andsafeguard thepastoralists communities from the overlapping problems they are facing, enable them to adequately participate in the overall development of the country and fairly benefit from its development, FEP will utilize the following policy directions.
Development programs and projects that will gradually transformthepastoralist communities from a mobile to a sedentary life style will be implemented.
To realize the transition of the pastoralists to a sedentary life, small villages will be built. The villages will have complete socio-economic services;
Integrated pastoral development programs that can make pastoral communities more productive will be implemented. Provision of waterwill be given higher priorityin the pastoralist development programs.

Intensive and comprehensive capacity building programs will be implemented to enable the pastoralist communities properly manage their social, economic and political affairs
Legal frameworks will be prepared to ensurethatthepastoralist system is adequately recognizedbythelawsofthecountry.FEP willexertefforttoensurethatproperattention andgovernmentalsupportisgiventothepastoralists,commensuratetothepolicyattention and support given to farmers and other modes of production.
Since the life of the pastoral community is closely related to the life and welfare of their animals, FEP will exert effort to develop quality animal care and health services specifically designed the pastoralcommunity.Theaimis to maximize the pastoral community in particular and the nation at large, to benefit from the huge live stock.
Takingintoaccountthelandscape,ecologyandclimateofthepastoralistareas,studiesand research will be conducted to help design and implement development projects and programs. In this regard attention will be paid to acquire and use successful international experiences in the field.
Programs will be designed and implemented to strengthen the cultural and economic ties ofthepastoralist communities, who mostly live in the lowlands and hinterland, with citizens in other parts of the country.
The mobility of the pastoralist communities is a source of conflict with other pastoralist communities and alsoother communities intheir neighbourhood, which putthelife of the pastoralistcommunityatrisk.Henceprogramswillbedesignedtominimizeandavoidsuch risks in a sustainable way.
Systemtoprovidespecialbudgetarysupporttothepastoralistareaswillbeimplementedto ensureequitablebenefitofthepastoralist community and to accelerate the overall development and prosperity of the community.
The issue of land possession and ownership has been a key and fundamental question in Ethiopian politics for a long time. Nevertheless, till today, the land issue never resolved in a way that considerstheneedsof thepeopleand acceleratesthecountry'seconomic, social, and political development. Theissueof landtenureand ownership isan intricateand multifaceted policy agenda that deals with economic, cultural, political, demographic, environment and other related issues.
Consideringthesensitivityanddelicacyofthelandissue,FreedomandEqualityPartyfirmly believesthatthedesigningofthe Ethiopianlandpolicyand relatedprogramsshouldtakeinto

accounttheoreticalaswellaspracticalinternationalexperiences.Takingintoconsiderationthe important role of land for the overall prosperity and development of our country, and taking into account the very controversial nature of land tenure system in the Ethiopian political history, FEP will follows the following programs regarding land:
Land, whetherinruralorurbanareas,belongstotheEthiopianpeopleandthegovernment is responsible for managing land.
Acertificateofownershipoflandusedforagriculturalpurposesinruralareaswillbegiven to farmers. Accordingly, the rights and benefits of farmers on the land under their ownership will be fully respected.
Farmerswillhavetherighttoleaselandunder theirprivatepossession;
Consideringtheoveralldevelopmentlevelofthecountry, FEPcanconsideranalternative land policy where land could be fully transacted. However, such a policy shift onland wouldbeconsidered, taking in to account the overall national economic, political, and social development.
Regarding urban lands, residentswill beprovidedwith alegal certificateof ownership for the land they use to build houses. Legal guarantees will be given to ensure that the rights and benefits they have on the land under their possession are respected.
Inpastoralareasland,usedforgrazinganimals,canremainincommunal ownership.
Regional or federal government shall pay appropriate compensation in cash or in kind to citizens,inruralorurbanareas,whowillbeaskedtomovefromtheirlandfordevelopment works.
Thegovernmentleaseslandtolocalandforeigninvestorswhowanttoengageinextensive and modern farming and animal husbandry.
Continuous and participatory research will be conducted on the Ethiopian land tenure system, in order to make our land policy compatible with the country's economic, social, and political development,
Infrastructure is the backbone of a country's overall development. The existence of extensive infrastructurenetworkmassivelycontributestothenationaleconomybyfacilitatingproduction and productivity, increasing domestic and foreign trade, facilitating easy movement of economicandsocialserviceseasily,stabilizingcommodityprices,expandinginvestment,etc.
Infrastructure includes, among others, land and railroads, power generation and distribution facilities,dams,transportation,telecommunications,naturalgas,waterandsewageservices.In

order to improve the infrastructure base and increase the sector's contribution to the national development, FEP will introduce the following programs,
To deliver fast and efficient transport services to the public sufficient road, rail and air transport infrastructures will be built extensively.
Modern and alternative infrastructurewillbedevelopedcommensuratetotherapidly growingandchangingdemographicsof thecountry. Stateof thearttransportserviceswill be built, specifically to urban areas to solve the serious transport problem in the cities.
Specialsupportandincentiveswillbegiventotheprivatesectortoencourageparticipation in infrastructure development.
Special attention will be paid to make fair distributionof infrastructures at the national level. Policy and budgetary support will be given to develop infrastructureinthe hinterlands which have very poor infrastructure.
Inordertoprovidesufficientandreliableenergyatreasonableprices,thesupplyofnatural gas will be increased.
InordertostrengtheneconomicandsocialintegrationwithneighbouringandotherAfrican countries, cross-countrytransport,energy,telecometc.networks will be built in collaboration with neighbouring countries and other international stakeholders.
In coordination with neighbouring countries, system will be developed to get fast and reliable port services at an affordable price. FEP will make efforts to ensure Ethiopia to have its own port by negotiating with other countries.
Fast and qualityinternet, and other telecom, services will bemade availableinall parts of the country at affordable prices.
Appropriate policies will be implemented to modernize the logistics system and make it globally competitive.
Alternative energy sources (off grid) will be used to increase energy supply and enhance access to energy. Renewable energy will be given attention.
In order to ensuresufficientenergysupply, proportionate with the country’s economic development,oilexplorationanddevelopmentworkwillbedone.Intensiveoilexploration will be carried out specially in the regions identified as potential areas.
Propermaintenanceandoverhaulservicewillbeprovidedtoallinfrastructurefacilities,to ensure high-quality services from the infrastructure, which are built withhuge investment cost. To this end modern and efficient infrastructure management system will be put in place.

Itisknownthattheimportanceofdomesticandforeigntradeforthedevelopmentofacountry isveryhigh.Anefficient,simpleandintegratedtradeandinvestmentsystemplaysasignificant role in the development of our country's economy and the improvement of citizens' lives. In order to realize economic growth by integrating agriculture and manufacturing industry, it is essential to modernize domestic and foreign trade. Ensuringrapidandsustainable development, stable macroeconomic and fiscal policy, adequate capital flow, efficient utilizationofresourcesetcrequiresefficientbusinessandinvestmentenvironment. Inorderto promotetradeand investment, simplywork processand enhancethecontribution of tradeand investment to the overall economic development, the following policy tools will be taken,
Tradeandinvestmentlawswillbelinkedtoandharmonizedwithotherdevelopmentlaws, regulations and guidelines.
The Ethiopian commercial law will be updated in accordance with the international trade systemandrulesofprocedure,inawaythatensuresglobalcompetitivenessandmaximize Ethiopia’s economic advantage.
Systemswillbedevelopedtoenableforeigninvestors startandoperateinvestment smoothly and efficiently.
InabidtoincreaseEthiopia’stradeingoodsandserviceswith neighbouringcountriesand other African countries, radical policy reforms will be introduced.
Through diversification and incorporating more industrial products to our exports, which currently includes mostly agricultural products, attempt will made to mitigate the impact of international commodity price fluctuation on our economy.
Introduceeffectiveforeigntradepolicytorealizebettertradebalance,mitigatetheshortage offoreigncurrencyand maintainstable exchange rate. Reducing import and increasing exports, via import substitution and export promotion, is one of the strategies to realize these foreign trade objectives.
Install appropriate and modern trade and investment policies that will ensure a balanced foreign trade system.
to enable Ethiopia’s products be competitive on international markets, appropriate trade, investment, tax and capital flow schemes will be established.
Make Ethiopia be member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), by complying with the necessary legal and technical standards and prerequisites in the shortest possible time.

Facilitate for local as well as foreign investors to adequately participate in the design of trade and investment laws, regulations, and guidelines.
Enact favourable trade and investment systems to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI);
Necessary legal and policy instruments will be installed to facilitate effective technology and knowhow transferthroughstrengthening partnership between domestic and foreign investors.
Tourism is an economic sector whose share in gross domestic product of many countries is growingandexpanding from timeto time.Inaddition to generatingsignificant foreign exchange for a country tourism contributes greatlyto the overall development of a countryin terms of creating job opportunities, reducing poverty and accelerating sustainable development. Ethiopia is a country with lots of natural, historicalandculturalheritages. However,duetovariousobstacles,thecountrywasunabletoavailfromthesector.Considering thehugeanduntappedpotentialandeconomicgainsoftourismandbringinmindtheobstacles facingthesector,FEPwillpaycloseattentiontothetourismsectorandworktoimplementthe following programs.
Protectand takeproper careofthe natural, historical, and cultural tourist attractions of Ethiopia;
Inadditiontotheexistingnatural,historical,andculturaltouristdestinations,programswill design to promote other types of tourism including conference tourism, educational tourism, medical tourism.
Expand the provision of hotels and entertainment facilities, multi-purpose halls, medical servicefacilities,transportationandcommunicationnetworksandotherinfrastructuresand increase their international competitiveness.
Create comfortable environment for tourists by ensure peace and stability throughout the country and safeguard the security of local and foreign tourists.
Change the negative image and reputation of Ethiopia in the international community (drought, famine, conflict, etc.) and build the positive image. To this end well-crafted advertisingandpublicrelations,withinternationalstandards,willbecarriedouttopromote the unique and wonderful tourist destinations of the country.
Providevariousincentivesandsupporttoincreasetheparticipationof theprivatesector in the tourism sector.

Toenhancetheefficiencyofthetourismsector,strongsystemsandworkprocedureswhich includes skilled manpower and technology will be established.
Helpcitizenstogetactivelyinvolvedinthedevelopmentofthetourismsectorandbecome major stakeholders, by enacting laws and procedures to allow citizens, living in the area close to tourist destinations, benefit from the sector.
TheroleoftheEthiopianmanufacturingindustryintermsofjobcreationandforeigncurrency generation is low, which made the sector's contribution to the overall economy very much limited. The manufacturing sector uses backward technology and hence its productivity is disturbinglyverylow.Ethiopia’sindustrialproductsthatcancompeteinternationallyarevery small. FEP will introduce the following programs to boost the capacity of the manufacturing industries and increase its contribution to the economy,
In order to develop themanufacturing sector fromits current low level, FEP will create a conducive policy environment to attract more private investors in to the manufacturing sector.
Small andmediumindustrieswillbe expandedina fairmannerinallpartsofthecountry.
Socio-economic infrastructures that help the growth of manufacturing industries will expandandgovernmentinstitutionsatalllevelswillsupportthedevelopmentofthesector.
Reliable power supply, transportation and communication networksetc will be integrated with industrial development.
In order to overcome the ever-increasing unemployment problem in our country, manufacturing industries will be made to create job opportunities for young people who graduate from various institutions.
Manufacturingindustrieswillbeintegratedtoandlinkedwiththeagriculturalsector,both backward and forward.Policies and procedures will be developed to increase domestic products in quality and quantity to reduce import bills and increase foreign earnings via higher exports.
In a bid to maximize industrial products FEP will promote the manufacture of light machineries locally and simplify the importation of heavy machineries, that could not be produced locally.
Higher learning institutions and technical and vocational schools will be restructured in a way to produce necessary manpower and facilitate know-how transfer that supports the industry sector.

Boost the productivity of manufacturing firms by removing bureaucratic bottlenecks and providing support.
Promotetheproductionoftraditional/indigenoushandicrafts and maximize their contribution to local economy, through provision of special policy support
Ensuresustainable and environment-friendly manufacturing growth by establishing modernindustrialmanagementandcontrolsystem that can help to identify the socio- economic and environmental impact of manufacturing industries.
Toboost upthemanufacturing sector,evidence-basedtaxpolicy willbeintroduced.
Industrialvillageswillbeestablishedindifferentregionsofthecountrytakingintoaccount the natural resource endowment and demand of the specific regions.
Monetary policy is a policy instrument used to administer the macroeconomy of a state and control themoneysupply and volumeof moneycirculating in theeconomy.Themain goal of a monetary policy is to ensure optimal growth of GDP, control inflation, create employment opportunities and maximize foreign exchange reserve. In order to stabilize the highly volatile macroeconomy ofEthiopia, monetarypolicy based onfinancial andeconomic datais needed. With this framework, FEP will introduce the following monetary policy tools,
Research shows that reckless money supply is the main culprit for inflation in Ethiopia. Accordingly, by strictly controlling money supply, and hence preserving the purchasing valueoftheBirr,scientificandevidence-basedmeasureswillbetakentocontrolinflation.